Be Careful What You Click On
Everyone now a days are posting fake headlines and exaggerated titles to get more clicks and traffic onto their websites. Your friends and family are just as much to blame because they will share a post online just because of what the headline is and they haven't even clicked on the link themselves. All this is causing is falsified information to be spread around and this causes people to not know the truth from a lie.
Here are some tips that can help you not get caught in a Clickbait trap:
Here are some tips that can help you not get caught in a Clickbait trap:
- If the Title seems like it is something that could never happen then it probably didn't
- The internet is such an amazing place that you can learn a ton of new information but not everything that you read on the internet is the truth.
- Don't enter in your personal information or give it out to anyone before you know that the website is secured or that the person is who they say they are.
- Take a break from searching the web sometimes, you are more likely to believe the things you see on the internet if you're constantly seeing these super exaggerated stories more consistently.
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